Hideki Kuriyama, who led the professional baseball team Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters and Japan’s national baseball team Samurai Japan, has published the book “Hideki Kuriyama’s Thoughts: A name that led young people to become the best in the world.”


Hideki Kuriyama has high expectations for Shohei Otani, “I believe that the birth of his first child will be a big positive” for Roki Sasaki…

Hideki Kuriyama has high expectations for Shohei Otani, “I believe that the birth of his first child will be a big positive” for Roki Sasaki…
Hideki Kuriyama, who led the professional baseball team Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters and Japan’s national baseball team Samurai Japan, has published the book “Hideki Kuriyama’s Thoughts: A name that led young people to become the best in the world.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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