Matsusaka Police Station announced on the 10th that a man in his 50s from Matsusaka City was defrauded of approximately 11.9 million yen in an investment scam using an social networking site (SNS). According to the police, the man…


A series of investment scams using SNS: 11.9 million yen in damage in Matsusaka, 6.8 million yen in Tsu – Chunichi Shimbun

A series of investment scams using SNS: 11.9 million yen in damage in Matsusaka, 6.8 million yen in Tsu – Chunichi Shimbun
Matsusaka Police Station announced on the 10th that a man in his 50s from Matsusaka City was defrauded of approximately 11.9 million yen in an investment scam using an social networking site (SNS). According to the police, the man…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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