Starring Masaru Sato (timelesz) and Akari Takaishi. Masaru Sato plays Shogo Chikaishi, a college student who despises love due to the trauma he had with his mother when he was young, and Akari Takaishi plays Shogo…


A live-action drama adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s “Song of Apollo” starring Katsutoshi Sato and Akari Takaishi. Director: Ken Ninomiya – Excite

A live-action drama adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s “Song of Apollo” starring Katsutoshi Sato and Akari Takaishi. Director: Ken Ninomiya – Excite
Starring Masaru Sato (timelesz) and Akari Takaishi. Masaru Sato plays Shogo Chikaishi, a college student who despises love due to the trauma he had with his mother when he was young, and Akari Takaishi plays Shogo…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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