Takamori High School (Takamori Town, Kumamoto Prefecture), which was the first public high school to establish a “manga department,” is thriving, with applicants coming from all over the country. April 2023…|Nishinippon Shimbun me provides Kyushu news…


Kumamoto’s Takamori High School’s “manga department” is thriving, with guidance from professional editors and applicants from all over the country – Nishinippon Shimbun

Kumamoto’s Takamori High School’s “manga department” is thriving, with guidance from professional editors and applicants from all over the country – Nishinippon Shimbun
Takamori High School (Takamori Town, Kumamoto Prefecture), which was the first public high school to establish a “manga department,” is thriving, with applicants coming from all over the country. April 2023…|Nishinippon Shimbun me provides Kyushu news…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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