Yasuyumi Kataoka, a talent and manager of the adult baseball club Ibaraki Golden Goals, posted on Instagram on the 13th that Kota Kobayashi, a former pitcher for the professional baseball team DeNA BayStars and a ramen shop owner…


The “high breakup rate” of public proposal marriages, and the divorce of a beautiful baseball coach brings to mind “two seniors”

The “high breakup rate” of public proposal marriages, and the divorce of a beautiful baseball coach brings to mind “two seniors”
Yasuyumi Kataoka, a talent and manager of the adult baseball club Ibaraki Golden Goals, posted on Instagram on the 13th that Kota Kobayashi, a former pitcher for the professional baseball team DeNA BayStars and a ramen shop owner…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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