The drama is a live-action adaptation of KUJIRA’s manga of the same name (Kodansha), starring Miyachika and Aoi from “Travis Japan.” Hijiri and Kowa, childhood friends who have been together like family for 26 years…


Koi Ishikawa: Travis Japan Kaito Miyachika & Wakana Aoi show off their uniforms The two love each other in the drama “Honnou Switch”…

Koi Ishikawa: Travis Japan Kaito Miyachika & Wakana Aoi show off their uniforms The two love each other in the drama “Honnou Switch”…
The drama is a live-action adaptation of KUJIRA’s manga of the same name (Kodansha), starring Miyachika and Aoi from “Travis Japan.” Hijiri and Kowa, childhood friends who have been together like family for 26 years…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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