Guests include Yuko Ogura, Mayumi Ono, Takao Jumbo (Rainbow), Usuki (Nagon), Itsuki Tanaka (SixTONES), Torakami Hanada, and Kei Yasuda. In the past, it was often introduced in competition with Saitama prefecture…


SixTONES Itsuki Tanaka, Yuko Ogura, Mayumi Ono and others present the charms of their hometown Chiba Prefecture: “Kashiwa is the second Shibuya…

SixTONES Itsuki Tanaka, Yuko Ogura, Mayumi Ono and others present the charms of their hometown Chiba Prefecture: “Kashiwa is the second Shibuya…
Guests include Yuko Ogura, Mayumi Ono, Takao Jumbo (Rainbow), Usuki (Nagon), Itsuki Tanaka (SixTONES), Torakami Hanada, and Kei Yasuda. In the past, it was often introduced in competition with Saitama prefecture…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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