On this day, Ishimori, who streamed SHOWROOM, announced that he had opened an Instagram account. In her first post during the broadcast, she wrote, “I’m Rika Ishimori from Sakurazaka46 and I started using Instagram…”


Sakurazaka46’s Rika Ishimori opens Instagram, the first 3rd generation member – goo News

Sakurazaka46’s Rika Ishimori opens Instagram, the first 3rd generation member – goo News
On this day, Ishimori, who streamed SHOWROOM, announced that he had opened an Instagram account. In her first post during the broadcast, she wrote, “I’m Rika Ishimori from Sakurazaka46 and I started using Instagram…”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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