Kana Nakanishi, a former member of the idol group ANGERME, updated her Instagram on the 15th and announced that she is getting married. Mr. Nakanishi has announced his “marriage report”…


Former ANGERME member Kana Nakanishi announces marriage, “This time, Katsuya Fukunaga, who was a lawyer… – Iwate Nippo

Former ANGERME member Kana Nakanishi announces marriage, “This time, Katsuya Fukunaga, who was a lawyer… – Iwate Nippo
Kana Nakanishi, a former member of the idol group ANGERME, updated her Instagram on the 15th and announced that she is getting married. Mr. Nakanishi has announced his “marriage report”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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