“SCHOOLOFLOCK! Nogizaka LOCKS!” is a radio program on TOKYOFM where Nogizaka46’s Nagi Inoue serves as a personality (from around 22:15 on the first Monday to Thursday of every month). January 9…


Nogizaka46 Kazu Inoue “I really like Ghibli…” Talks about the origin of the name of the cat he recently started keeping

Nogizaka46 Kazu Inoue “I really like Ghibli…” Talks about the origin of the name of the cat he recently started keeping
“SCHOOLOFLOCK! Nogizaka LOCKS!” is a radio program on TOKYOFM where Nogizaka46’s Nagi Inoue serves as a personality (from around 22:15 on the first Monday to Thursday of every month). January 9…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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