Snow Man Meguro Ren and M! LK’s Hayato Sano attended a stage greeting to announce the completion of the theatrical version of “Trillion Game” held in Tokyo on the 14th, along with co-stars Mio Imada, Riko Fukumoto, Kosuke Suzuki, and Hara…


Meguro Ren complains about Hayato Sano’s ad-lib: “It was annoying (lol)” – Movie – Crank In!

Meguro Ren complains about Hayato Sano’s ad-lib: “It was annoying (lol)” – Movie – Crank In!
Snow Man Meguro Ren and M! LK’s Hayato Sano attended a stage greeting to announce the completion of the theatrical version of “Trillion Game” held in Tokyo on the 14th, along with co-stars Mio Imada, Riko Fukumoto, Kosuke Suzuki, and Hara…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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