Today (January 13, 2025), the latest video of the web program “Washagana TV” by Yuichi Nakamura and Mafia Kajita was released. This time, with VTuber Tsukinomito who belongs to Nijisanji…


Washagana TV’s latest video is the second collaboration with VTuber Tsukinomito from Nijisanji… – 4Gamer

Washagana TV’s latest video is the second collaboration with VTuber Tsukinomito from Nijisanji… – 4Gamer
Today (January 13, 2025), the latest video of the web program “Washagana TV” by Yuichi Nakamura and Mafia Kajita was released. This time, with VTuber Tsukinomito who belongs to Nijisanji…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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