The Tokyo-only preview screening of the movie “Saotome Kanako no Case” starring Ai Hashimoto and co-starring Taishi Nakagawa was held on January 27th at the Tokyo Film Academy. Lottery drawn from Ponta pass members…


35 groups of Ponta Pass members and 70 people invited to the preview screening of Ai Hashimoto’s starring movie “Kanako Saotome’s Case” – Natalie

35 groups of Ponta Pass members and 70 people invited to the preview screening of Ai Hashimoto’s starring movie “Kanako Saotome’s Case” – Natalie
The Tokyo-only preview screening of the movie “Saotome Kanako no Case” starring Ai Hashimoto and co-starring Taishi Nakagawa was held on January 27th at the Tokyo Film Academy. Lottery drawn from Ponta pass members…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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