The historical drama “Hagure Crow” commemorates the 55th anniversary of the opening of TOS. On the night of the 11th in Takeda City, Oita Prefecture, where filming took place, there was a talk event attended by cast members including lead actress Kaede Kamio.


Talk event for historical drama “Hagure Crow” Starring Kaede Kamio “I hope people will love my work…

Talk event for historical drama “Hagure Crow” Starring Kaede Kamio “I hope people will love my work…
The historical drama “Hagure Crow” commemorates the 55th anniversary of the opening of TOS. On the night of the 11th in Takeda City, Oita Prefecture, where filming took place, there was a talk event attended by cast members including lead actress Kaede Kamio.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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