The gravure was shot with three themes based on the concept of “the journey of two people”! The duo of Koji Mukai (Snow Man) and Ryuta Muro, commonly known as “Rutakoji”, will appear on the cover of the January 22 issue of “Anan”…


Koji Mukai (Snow Man) x Ryuta Muro = “Rutakoji” appears as a duo on the cover of “anan” for the first time – THE FIRST TIMES

Koji Mukai (Snow Man) x Ryuta Muro = “Rutakoji” appears as a duo on the cover of “anan” for the first time – THE FIRST TIMES
The gravure was shot with three themes based on the concept of “the journey of two people”! The duo of Koji Mukai (Snow Man) and Ryuta Muro, commonly known as “Rutakoji”, will appear on the cover of the January 22 issue of “Anan”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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