Suzuki Hayasaki (19) of Aozora, an idol group formed as the official rival of Nogizaka46, attended the group’s coming-of-age ceremony on the 10th in her best clothes…


The blue sky I wanted to see – Suzuki Hayasaki “I’m a rain girl, but I’m glad the weather was nice” A group coming-of-age ceremony under the blue sky

The blue sky I wanted to see – Suzuki Hayasaki “I’m a rain girl, but I’m glad the weather was nice” A group coming-of-age ceremony under the blue sky
Suzuki Hayasaki (19) of Aozora, an idol group formed as the official rival of Nogizaka46, attended the group’s coming-of-age ceremony on the 10th in her best clothes…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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