SixTONES’ Hokuto Matsumura (29) attended the stage greeting event held in Tokyo on the 13th to announce the completion of the movie “1ST KISS” (directed by Ayuko Tsukahara, to be released on February 7th).


SixTONES’ Hokuto Matsumura talks about his impressions of his “wife” “From the first day we met until today…” – Sponichi

SixTONES’ Hokuto Matsumura talks about his impressions of his “wife” “From the first day we met until today…” – Sponichi
SixTONES’ Hokuto Matsumura (29) attended the stage greeting event held in Tokyo on the 13th to announce the completion of the movie “1ST KISS” (directed by Ayuko Tsukahara, to be released on February 7th).

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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