“Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Team’s Strongest Tactician” is currently being released as a huge hit nationwide! On January 8th, “Nintama” became the biggest hit in movie history, exceeding 1 billion yen in box office revenue! support…


The fifth gift for visitors to “Nintama Movie” is an illustration card with a newly drawn script!

The fifth gift for visitors to “Nintama Movie” is an illustration card with a newly drawn script!
“Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Team’s Strongest Tactician” is currently being released as a huge hit nationwide! On January 8th, “Nintama” became the biggest hit in movie history, exceeding 1 billion yen in box office revenue! support…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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