Jack advertisements for the TV anime “Medalist” based on the original work by Tsurumaikada will be running from today, January 13th to January 19th, at the BBB inside the south exit ticket gate of JR Shinjuku Station in Tokyo.


Anime “Medalist” athletes skate at the south exit of JR Shinjuku Station to Kenshi Yonezu’s theme song

Anime “Medalist” athletes skate at the south exit of JR Shinjuku Station to Kenshi Yonezu’s theme song
Jack advertisements for the TV anime “Medalist” based on the original work by Tsurumaikada will be running from today, January 13th to January 19th, at the BBB inside the south exit ticket gate of JR Shinjuku Station in Tokyo.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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