In the first episode of NTV’s Saturday drama 10 “Ensemble” (Saturday 10:00 p.m.) starring Haruna Kawaguchi and co-starring Hokuto Matsumura (SixTONES) starting January 18th, the engagement…


Haruna Kawaguchi x Hokuto Matsumura “Ensemble” first highlights have arrived! Nagai Morisako & Akiyoshi Nakao decided as guests

Haruna Kawaguchi x Hokuto Matsumura “Ensemble” first highlights have arrived! Nagai Morisako & Akiyoshi Nakao decided as guests
In the first episode of NTV’s Saturday drama 10 “Ensemble” (Saturday 10:00 p.m.) starring Haruna Kawaguchi and co-starring Hokuto Matsumura (SixTONES) starting January 18th, the engagement…

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