Yoshihito Nishioka (Miki House), the top Japanese men’s singles player and 63rd in the world, announced his marriage to former weather newscaster Saya Hiyama in December last year. Broadcasting the tournament…


Yoshihito Nishioka, who got married last month, “The number of people I’m with has increased, so there’s a lot of pressure in a good way”…Australian OP opens on the 12th

Yoshihito Nishioka, who got married last month, “The number of people I’m with has increased, so there’s a lot of pressure in a good way”…Australian OP opens on the 12th
Yoshihito Nishioka (Miki House), the top Japanese men’s singles player and 63rd in the world, announced his marriage to former weather newscaster Saya Hiyama in December last year. Broadcasting the tournament…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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