The Yomiuri Television/Nippon Television anime “Detective Conan” was broadcast on the 11th. There will be a scandal on “Kaito Kid and Crown Magic” which will be broadcast for two weeks from the 18th next week…


The role of Amuro in “Conan” has not been revealed, and will be announced next week. Predictions for his successor on SNS are heating up. The original Toru Furuya resigned from the role in June last year.

The role of Amuro in “Conan” has not been revealed, and will be announced next week. Predictions for his successor on SNS are heating up. The original Toru Furuya resigned from the role in June last year.
The Yomiuri Television/Nippon Television anime “Detective Conan” was broadcast on the 11th. There will be a scandal on “Kaito Kid and Crown Magic” which will be broadcast for two weeks from the 18th next week…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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