The role of Ryosaku Kasahara is played by Tori Matsuzaka, who has won numerous awards as a movie actor and is one of the top runners of his generation. He plays the role of a person filled with a strong sense of mission and leads the work.


“A masterpiece of medical movies”, “The most must-see movie right now”, “My eyes were captivated by the beauty of Japan”, and the emotional voices have arrived…

“A masterpiece of medical movies”, “The most must-see movie right now”, “My eyes were captivated by the beauty of Japan”, and the emotional voices have arrived…
The role of Ryosaku Kasahara is played by Tori Matsuzaka, who has won numerous awards as a movie actor and is one of the top runners of his generation. He plays the role of a person filled with a strong sense of mission and leads the work.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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