The popular drama “Kodoku no Gourmet” is currently being released as a movie. As the original manga of the same name celebrates its 30th anniversary, we have decided to collaborate with Morinaga Chocolate Chip Cookies, which also celebrates its 30th anniversary…


Goro-chan’s love for chocolate chip cookies is in full bloom! Morinaga is collaborating with the manga “Kodoku no Gourmet”

Goro-chan’s love for chocolate chip cookies is in full bloom! Morinaga is collaborating with the manga “Kodoku no Gourmet”
The popular drama “Kodoku no Gourmet” is currently being released as a movie. As the original manga of the same name celebrates its 30th anniversary, we have decided to collaborate with Morinaga Chocolate Chip Cookies, which also celebrates its 30th anniversary…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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