… The drama series “Kodoku no Gourmet” (TV Tokyo) will be made into a movie as a special project commemorating the 60th anniversary of TV Tokyo’s opening. The main character, Goro Inokashira (Mr. Matsushige), accepts a request from his ex-girlfriend’s father…


[Theatrical movie The Solitary Gourmet] Kenichi Endo plays the main character Yutaka Matsushige in the drama “The Solitary Gourmet” because he is skinny…

[Theatrical movie The Solitary Gourmet] Kenichi Endo plays the main character Yutaka Matsushige in the drama “The Solitary Gourmet” because he is skinny…
… The drama series “Kodoku no Gourmet” (TV Tokyo) will be made into a movie as a special project commemorating the 60th anniversary of TV Tokyo’s opening. The main character, Goro Inokashira (Mr. Matsushige), accepts a request from his ex-girlfriend’s father…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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