Sonshi (4-year-old male, Ritto, Mitsumasa Nakauchida stable), owned by Susumu Fujita, the owner of “Uma Musume,” won his first open victory in the Yodo Short Distance Stakes (4 years old, Listed, Turf 1200m) in the 11th round of Chukyo on Sunday. ..


[Yodo Short Distance S] “Uma Musume” Susumu Fujita owner Sonshi’s first open win (netkeiba)

[Yodo Short Distance S] “Uma Musume” Susumu Fujita owner Sonshi’s first open win (netkeiba)
Sonshi (4-year-old male, Ritto, Mitsumasa Nakauchida stable), owned by Susumu Fujita, the owner of “Uma Musume,” won his first open victory in the Yodo Short Distance Stakes (4 years old, Listed, Turf 1200m) in the 11th round of Chukyo on Sunday. ..

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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