In the program, Katase, who visited the ruins of the moat that surrounded Yoshiwara, known as the Ogakuro Ditch, laughed and said, “I jumped in there while watching a movie. Yoshiwara went up in flames and I had no place to escape.”


Rino Katase visits Yoshiwara’s Okahaguro Dobu site, “I jumped in because of the movie” – Sunspo

Rino Katase visits Yoshiwara’s Okahaguro Dobu site, “I jumped in because of the movie” – Sunspo
In the program, Katase, who visited the ruins of the moat that surrounded Yoshiwara, known as the Ogakuro Ditch, laughed and said, “I jumped in there while watching a movie. Yoshiwara went up in flames and I had no place to escape.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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