In the previous tournament, Miyagi won, followed by Kyoto in second and Hiroshima in third. Leading runners from all generations will be carrying their hometowns on their shoulders (times are preliminary figures). ▽ Ward 1 (6km) Sunny…


[Breaking news] Kyoto dominates the 5th ward! 50 seconds difference 2nd place Osaka, 3rd place Nagano / National Women’s Ekiden – Sunspo

[Breaking news] Kyoto dominates the 5th ward! 50 seconds difference 2nd place Osaka, 3rd place Nagano / National Women’s Ekiden – Sunspo
In the previous tournament, Miyagi won, followed by Kyoto in second and Hiroshima in third. Leading runners from all generations will be carrying their hometowns on their shoulders (times are preliminary figures). ▽ Ward 1 (6km) Sunny…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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