Based on Norifusa Mita’s exam manga “Dragon Zakura 2,” Junma Tsuchida, a current University of Tokyo student (Graduate 2), interprets the current state of education and entrance exams in a series titled “Learn True Educational Theory with Dragon Zakura 2.”


[University of Tokyo student teaches] “How to convey magic” to instantly attract an uninterested person – Diamond Online

[University of Tokyo student teaches] “How to convey magic” to instantly attract an uninterested person – Diamond Online
Based on Norifusa Mita’s exam manga “Dragon Zakura 2,” Junma Tsuchida, a current University of Tokyo student (Graduate 2), interprets the current state of education and entrance exams in a series titled “Learn True Educational Theory with Dragon Zakura 2.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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