Actor Yuka Kageyama appeared at the opening ceremony of Rintoku Academy for the TBS drama series “Ojo Sensei” (Sunday 9:00 p.m.), which will begin airing on January 19th, starring Tori Matsuzaka. Along with 26 people who played student roles…


Yuka Kageyama shows off her English skills at a drama event. Emcee says, “I like variety shows!” as she appeals to her “elite” appearance.

Yuka Kageyama shows off her English skills at a drama event. Emcee says, “I like variety shows!” as she appeals to her “elite” appearance.
Actor Yuka Kageyama appeared at the opening ceremony of Rintoku Academy for the TBS drama series “Ojo Sensei” (Sunday 9:00 p.m.), which will begin airing on January 19th, starring Tori Matsuzaka. Along with 26 people who played student roles…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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