The manga “Otaku Machicon ga Yabaita Monogatari”, which depicts an episode during marriage hunting, has become a hot topic on Instagram. A woman who loves anime goes to “Anime Town Con” to meet someone…


[Manga] A woman who participated in the “Otaku Town Con” was turned off by the “dangerous hobbies” of a strong-willed man. Interview with the author

[Manga] A woman who participated in the “Otaku Town Con” was turned off by the “dangerous hobbies” of a strong-willed man. Interview with the author
The manga “Otaku Machicon ga Yabaita Monogatari”, which depicts an episode during marriage hunting, has become a hot topic on Instagram. A woman who loves anime goes to “Anime Town Con” to meet someone…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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