Raiizumi Inagaki, who appears in the drama and movie “Oshi no Ko” and the movie “366 Days”, makes her first appearance on JUNON! Mr. Inagaki describes himself as “innocent.” In his heart, he is completely devoted to the role he plays…


[Raizumi Inagaki] Appeared in drama & movie “[Oshinoko]”, movie “366 Days” and other popular works one after another! What’s next…

[Raizumi Inagaki] Appeared in drama & movie “[Oshinoko]”, movie “366 Days” and other popular works one after another! What’s next…
Raiizumi Inagaki, who appears in the drama and movie “Oshi no Ko” and the movie “366 Days”, makes her first appearance on JUNON! Mr. Inagaki describes himself as “innocent.” In his heart, he is completely devoted to the role he plays…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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