On the 11th, Snow Man’s Daisuke Sakuma appeared on Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Corporation, where he serves as a personality, “Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma’s Wait, Impossible, Tired…” (8:00 after Saturday).


Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma talks with fellow Girorian Kensho Ono on a radio program. Was it shocking to see him live for the first time?

Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma talks with fellow Girorian Kensho Ono on a radio program. Was it shocking to see him live for the first time?
On the 11th, Snow Man’s Daisuke Sakuma appeared on Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Corporation, where he serves as a personality, “Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma’s Wait, Impossible, Tired…” (8:00 after Saturday).

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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