A two-story house was completely destroyed in a fire in Chatan Town, Okinawa Prefecture, but the residents escaped safely. In the video sent to the RBC Scoop post, there is a reinforced concrete building on the second floor…


A noise comes from the second floor and the ceiling collapses.The steel-reinforced house burns down, but the residents escape safely Okinawa | TBS NEWS DIG

A noise comes from the second floor and the ceiling collapses.The steel-reinforced house burns down, but the residents escape safely Okinawa | TBS NEWS DIG
A two-story house was completely destroyed in a fire in Chatan Town, Okinawa Prefecture, but the residents escaped safely. In the video sent to the RBC Scoop post, there is a reinforced concrete building on the second floor…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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